Stitched Editions: Cascading Saplings

Opening July 19th 6- 9 PM

Stitched Editions: Cascading Saplings

“Stitched Editions: Cascading Saplings” is an exhibition consisting of multi-layered woodblock prints on Japanese paper. Each print combines traditional and non-traditional methods of printmaking as they are both laser engraved and hand printed. “Stitched Editions” refers to a process that I have been developing throughout my career - a process in which the value of the individual print is purposefully shifted into a wholistic one.

Divorcing from more traditional presentations which focus on singular prints, my process begins with the intention of sewing the prints together to create a unified image. This unified image references multiple traditions of crafts from the Middle East, specifically my home country Turkey. Including designs from Iznik ceramic tiles, textile and rugs from Ottoman Empire and Persia, cross-stitching and floral patterns. Most stitched editions in the show are made up of two prints: inner pattern and outer pattern. Each stitched edition “cascades” by repurposing the outer pattern of one as the inner pattern of the next. Physically and conceptually, they draw a parallel to the organic and harmonized growth of a garden.

This exhibition was born from a feeling of needing to grow and to be seen. Allowing me to share different aspects of my culture, traditions and crafts through a contemporary and unique perspective. Inspired by the multiplicity of printmaking, my passion for paper, love for botanical designs and interest in textiles, it offers a peaceful escape into an organized and playful chaos.


Melih Meric (b.1998, Istanbul/Turkey) is a printmaker and educator. They explore a spiritual journey through Islamic geometric abstraction. Using printmaking as their main medium, theycreate works that talk about diaspora, assimilatiCCaCon and a combination of Middle Eastern traditional practices. Their works combine traditional pattern making and a contemporary way of creating editions of prints. With a passion for pattern and paper, they use innovative methods of printmaking and textile arts to create stitched editions and embossed works on paper.

They received their MFA in Print Media from Cranbrook Academy of Art in 2023 and BA from Bennington College in Printmaking. Their works have been exhibited in Michigan, Ohio, Kansas, Iowa, Wisconsin, Vermont, Texas and internationally in Germany, Australia, Netherlands, Austria and Turkey. “My work deals with making peace with a part of my culture that drove me to leave it. Finding beauty in design and simplicity, then creating systems to complicate those principles. I fell in love with printmaking and the idea of multiplicity when I first made the connection to tiles from the Middle East. It suddenly became a tool to create and expand patterns that challenge traditions in crafts.”


